Resolved -
This incident has been resolved. Our engineers are continuing to monitor the stability of the Lending Metrics API.
Nov 13, 22:40 GMT
Update -
The Lending Metrics API appears to be returning to normal. Our engineers are continuing to monitor the situation.
Nov 13, 18:11 GMT
Monitoring -
Lending Metrics have informed us that they are aware of an issue at Experian that is resulting in either excessively slow response times, or calls timing out. Lending Metrics has raised this with them but does not know when this will be resolved.
We're continuing to monitor the situation and will provide updates as and when we receive them. At present, cases which would otherwise be decisioned automatically will have to be manually decisioned.
Nov 13, 17:19 GMT
Identified -
We're seeing errors coming back from Lending Metrics (a decisioning service) when brokers submit a case. We've raised this with them and are working to resolve the issue. Brokers may find that their case appears to be stuck in the decisioning state.
Nov 13, 16:52 GMT